Wednesday, December 2, 2009

On the Ground in Jamaica

Well its been two whole days since we landed on the ground in Kingston Jamaica. Myself and two other volunteers (Patricia from Massachusetts and Debra from Illinois) flew in together from Miami on Monday evening.

Normally when you join the Peace Corps, you have 8-10 weeks of training in country. Since we are working for the Peace Corps Response, our training has been reduced to 5 days!! We will be sworn in on Friday as volunteers...crazy I know, but gotta say its actually kind of refreshing....

So far, everything has just been truly amazing here. The staff so far has been amazingly nice and have been a lot of fun to get to know. On top of that, The Peace Corps office actually used to be a recording studio!!

Kingston itself actually reminds me a lot of Dakar Senegal. Which is great because it feels kind of familiar, but I also have to catch myself because I want to greet everyone in Wolof and French lol. I constantly have to keep reminding myself, no Eric they speak English. Kind of a fun lil challenge... although I do kind of miss having English reserved as a secret tongue amongst Americans...

Well, I should read some of my manuals. Its a lot more self teaching this time around. My next post I will go more into detail about what the country itself has been like so far. The culture is truly unique...

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