Monday, December 31, 2007

Picking up litter......kind act 44

Today while going around work I stumbled across the litter. Therefore, I picked up the litter and threw it away. A small simple act that can go a long way if everyone pitches in!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Meals for the hungry.........kind act 43

Today I worked again with my family at the Salvation Army kitchen. We served almost 70 hot meals to the needy. Its always a great experience. I want thank my Aunt Linda for putting this on once a month. It truly is a great thing...

Movies for friends........kind act 42

Act from 12/29/07

On Saturday night I went out with a couple of friends to see a movie. We were all waiting on line, which were moving quite slow. While we were waiting in line, another window became available. So, I jumped over to the line real quick. I ended up picking up the tab for them just to be a nice guy. My friends were a bit upset at first, but were grateful in the end....

Friday, December 28, 2007

I miss you.....kind act 41!!

So today after work I went our to get some drinks with a couple of people that used to be in my department. Honestly since they left things have just not been the same. So while we were out today I made it a point to tell them how much they were missed... Sometimes going out of your way to tell someone you miss them can really make their day. So take some time and tell someone they are missed!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Clicking for kids!!....the real kind act 40!!

Hello all faithful readers. First I would like to apologize to those who have been keeping track of my kind act numbers. I had accidentally skipped number 38. Throwing off my previous two posts. They have since been edited. If you are reading this on Facebook, the problem may still be there since Facebook never seems import my notes correctly.
Moving on, I would like to dedicate today's kind act to JenX. I used her blog, Daily Mitzvah ( to come up with an idea. Its an awesome blog about kindness you can do from home mostly, great read! Anywho, I was rather under the weather today and I needed a good act of kindness I could do from home. So I was reading through her blog again and came across the entry for This is a great website that does not require any type of monetary donation on your part. You simply click the button and your click generates ad revenue for the website to donate to children who need health care around the world. Wonderful idea!! So I clicked today a few times to help the children. Please take some time out of your busy internet life and help someone out!!

I also purchased some fair trade items from their store. I plan on using them for future kind acts. So thank you JenX and thank you in advance to all who clicked for the children...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

God Bless You........kind act 39

Today while at Wal-Mart. There were quite a few people sneezing. So I made sure to tell whoever I could "god bless you" or "gesundheit." Everyone was very surprised and happy that a complete stranger was telling them "god bless you." These simple phrases are really a great way to spread good will.

Team Work for Chuck.....kind act 38

This act is from December 25th. Sorry about all of the weird dates for posting. Christmas was busy and awesome this year..

Well anyway, for the 25th's kind act. Every year we go out Christmas night to celebrate Chuck's birthday. His birthday just happens to fall on Christmas day. So at night we go out to celebrate "Chuckmas." This year was no exception. So I figured I would be a good brother for him and stay mostly sober. Chuck had a really good time!! So myself, Avi, and Jevon made sure at the end of the night he made it home safe. Merry Chuckmas!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Small donation.......kind act 37

Again for those keeping track of the dates. This act was from December 24th. Christmas Eve is the most important date of the year for my family. So I was busy all day....

Well on Christmas Eve my mom had me running all sorts of little errands back forth. So during one of my 3 trips to the grocery store I had a lot of extra change. So I decided it was time to help out one the donation staples of the holiday season. There was a bell ringer for the Salvation Army standing on the outside of the grocer. So I gave all of my extra change. There is just something so nostalgic about donating to the Salvation Army.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

A ride to work......kind act 36

Today's kind act was actually easy to come by. I was visiting my fraternity brothers in Cleveland. My little brother Avi had to goto work at 4pm. So I offered to give him a ride to work, since he does not own a car. He would have to walk or take the bus otherwise.... Merry Christmas Eve Eve!! :-)

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Life of the Party......kind act 35

Today was a good friend's birthday. She is joining the ranks of the mid-twenties crowd! lol... So since we all went out tonight and were pre-gaming at her apartment. I thought it would be a nice gesture to bring some extra beers for all the people at the party. The present was greatly appreciated and is something that can be used by all. Happy Birthday Krista!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Good Luck E-Card......kind act 34

At work today, it was quite sad and happy. One of my good friends since I started at Progressive, was moving on to a different department. We have sat next to each other for over a year now. She was never really much a person for material goods, so I thought it would be nice to send her just a quick little e-card wishing her good luck. Well, as it turns out, Progressive's firewalls prevented the card from being delivered. So when I asked her about it later in the day, she really had no idea I sent one. But, she was very touched the gesture. Ironically enough though, she had sent me an e-card earlier in the week, which I never got either. We had quite a good laugh about this. Good luck Bridget in all that you do....

p.s. If you want to send free e-cards go to

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Rounding up the carts......kind act 33

Wow the Christmas shopping rush is upon us... This evening I was finished up all of my Christmas shopping (hooray for being done!!). While heading to my car from the last stop for the evening (Target), I realized my car (which was parked far away) was surrounded by shopping carts. Normally I always make it a point to return my cart to one of the designated areas. So tonight, I gathered up some other carts and returned them with mine. Hopefully it saved a few people from getting dings in their cars...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Let me clean that up for you.....kind act 32

Today while eating lunch I finished well before everyone else.... I'm a fast eater, what can I say!! lol So anyway, after everyone else had finished their food, I took some extra time to ask if they were done with their food and take their garbage to the trash bag. Actually I helped out the cleaning person too, because she was changing the bag, so I made sure the trash made it into the old bag....

Hopefully that all made sense, I am quite tired tonight.... Thank you again for reading!! :-)

"Rest not, life is sweeping by. Go and dare before you die. Something mighty and sublime, leave behind to conquer time."

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

You are great at your job........kind act 31

Quick little act today. I was shopping at Wal-Mart after the CSU vs OSU basketball game, and the lady who was checking me out was a very nice person. So I took some extra time to tell her thank you for being so pleasant...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Are you lost?......kind act 30!!

Well I have a couple of things to blog about today. First I wanted to wish everyone happy "Random Acts of Kindness Day." It was passed along to me from a fellow kindness blogger (JenX). You should check out her blog too, it is listed on my other kind websites part. So anyway, today you are supposed to perform a random act of kindness for someone and write a blog about it. You can read more about it at (

Moving on.... Today's kind act was actually kind of cool. It just randomly fell upon me when I was leaving work. When I was pulling out in my car, this other car just started beeping at me like crazy. I thought it was a friend of mine at first, just playing around. After a while though, I realized it was someone who needed something. So, I got out of my car and went over to them to see what was wrong. It turned out it was a lady who was lost and was looking for a Progressive building. Needless to say she was at the wrong building. I tried to explain where she needed to go, but she didn't really follow me. So eventually I just told her to follow me. She was so happy when I showed her where to go. She ended up thanking me the same way she got my attention in the first place... By beeping like crazy haha.....

Hooray for one month solid of kind acts!!! :-)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Let me help you up.....kind act 29

This act actually happened at about 2am of my night out. So technically it is Sunday's act lol. Well anyway, when we were leaving the club and walking back towards our car. We passed this other bar "Bar Flyy." While we were passing it, this girl walked out the door and took a major spill. Although, she did not seem too drunk. But, everyone just basically stared and laughed at her. So I went over there and helped back to her feet....

Goodwill to all.......kind act 28

Just for everyone keeping tabs on my dates. This act was actually performed on December 15th 2007. I was just didn't get a chance to post it....

Well anyway, Saturday's random act was one of my favorites. So I went to Goodwill on Saturday to look for some vests. (Its the best place to find them and not spend $50 bucks like you would at a department store.) When I was checking out, they lay who was checking me out was just the nicest person. She was just so pleasant talking about how lovely the snow was and all the Christmas decorations, etc.. She really made my day. So after I left the store, there was a lady out front who was selling home made chocolates. I ended up buying a little baggie of goodies and took them back into Goodwill and gave them to her. The lady was just so so so happy and grateful. She actually gave me a hug!! lol Needless to say it definitely made my day too. I was smiling the whole way home..

Friday, December 14, 2007

Ouch, how's your back?......kind act 27

Today's act sorta fell into me. I went to my girlfriend's parent's house for dinner and my gf could barely move. Apparently she had gotten a really bad kink in her back today. So I helped her out by giving her a back rub and running out to get her some icy hot patches from Wal-Mart. She was quite happy for the rub and gifts....

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Did you want some water too?......kind act 26

Today's act was really quite a simple one. I was on my way to the cafeteria at work to get my self a cup of water. I stopped and made some polite conversation with two of my bosses. So after we had finished talking I just asked if anyone needed anything (water, coffee, etc...). My one boss Karnina was very happy by the offer and happily accepted a cup of water. She said it was a nice way to start off her day. Act with kindness and pass it on!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Need some shade.....kind act 25

While at work today I was talking to one of our finance reps Malinda about a deal we were working on. During our conversation, I noticed she kept shielding her eyes because the sun was shining through the window right into her cubical. I happened to notice some broken down boxes in the empty cubical next to hers. So I grabbed one and wedged it so it would stay up and block the sun from being in her eyes. She was really happy with the improvement..

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

After you....kind act 24

So today I am not going to lie. I was coming up rather short in the kind act department. At least on ones I haven't already blogged about. So I figured I would steal my girlfriend's kind act since I was standing behind her. So today, we went to go see a sneak preview of "I am Legend." Not a bad movie, but not terribly good either. But, that is beside the point. Our kind act was that when we were leaving there were just tons of people filing out... While walking in queue my girlfriend saw two little old ladies trying to get out of their row in the theater. So my gf stopped and let them into the line. I basically ran into my girlfriend, but I am assuming I would of done the same thing if I was in front of her. So there you have it, my (katherine's) kind at for today...

Monday, December 10, 2007

Washing up.....kind act 23

Hello Hello... So today after work Katherine's mom invited me over for dinner. She always cooks the most delicious dinners. Yum yum yum.. So when we finished dinner today, I offered to help do the dishes. (a.k.a. load the dishwasher, lol). Actually it is a big help for them though, because Katherine's parents purchased the dish washer only about 7-8 months ago. This is their first time actually owning one. They preferred to do it the old fashion way before. So my life long expertise in dish loading really helps.... merging the old with the it!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Spare Change for the Children......kind act 22

While returning to Ohio from Indiana today. John and I decided that we should stop by Wendy's and get some frosties. I was really loooking forward to this. While purchasing the delicious frosties, I noticed a collection jar on the counter for the Dave Thomas Foundation. So I cleaned out my pockets of all my spare change and donated it.... Always keep an eye out for an opportunity to be nice!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hey, long time no talk to.....kind act 21

Well, This weekend I took a little road trip with John Roman to visit our fraternity brother Joey Marginian in Indianapolis. Joey now works for the national fraternity and had to move away from Cleveland. He actually has a really cool job, but can get lonely since he lives so far away now. So we decided that when he got some free time we would come up and visit him. So here we are in Indiana keeping our brother company! Hey, I thought it was pretty nice to drive 5 hours just to kick it....

Friday, December 7, 2007

You got that?.....kind act 20!!

Hooray! Today is a big celebration, I have made it to 20 straight days of performing at least one random act of kindness!

For today's act, it was the same thing for two different people. In my building at Progressive there are a few different departments. So, while I was walking through my building I came across two different people during the day who were struggling with the door because their hands were full. So I just made it point to give them an extra hand and make sure they made it through unscathed..

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Merci Beaucoup.....kind act 19

For today's entry I wanted more to tell a story about a person who did an amazing random act of kindness for me. Well, in case you were not aware, I was recently accepted into the Peace Corps. If all goes according to plan, I will be leaving in June for Sub-Saharan Africa. I will working with private entrepreneurs in a French speaking country. (I don't know which one yet...)

In order to go on this trip I must complete through French 102 by June. When I found out about my nomination to the Peace Corps, it was too late for me to register for French 101 in the fall semester. Which left me in sort of a pickle to complete French 102 by spring. So I checked around at CSU and Tri-C. The language director at Tri-C said he would have the French teacher call me about possible arrangements.

So Maria Szocs called me and said she would be my tutor and help me get prepared for French 102. I was so incredibly grateful.. So we met up the first week to begin my lessons and of course I brought up how she wanted me to pay her. But, she told me not to worry about it, we could talk about it some other time.. Of course what she meant was that we would not talk about it and she was helping me of her own willingness for free!! I have had over 10 weekly sessions with her and she is quite possibly one of the most caring and generous people I have ever met. I will be forever in her debt for giving me the best act of kindness I could ever ask for..

Today was our last session together and I brought her a small gift of my appreciation....

Merci Merci Merci Beaucoup Maria Szocs. Tu es mon professeur super!!

Ton Ami, Eric

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Go ahead.......kind act 18

I rather enjoyed today's random act. It was a small one that had immediate results. While leaving work today; I was waiting in the normal traffic jam that accumulates at the end of the street. Another car was waiting to pull into the street, so I went ahead and let him pull in front of me. It was just a small simple act.

But the neat part is, near the traffic light, there is a shopping plaza. So when we got close to the plaza, the guy I had let in, let about two or three people pull in and out of the plaza... My act of kindness immediately spawned a random act on his part!!

So in case you have been missing the point of my blog, it is to inspire others to take time out of their day to perform a random act of kindness. It was just really cool seeing an immediate result... Spreading kindness, Wow what a novel idea :-)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Happy Birthday to You!!!.......kind act 17

Today's act was really quite a simple one, but one that can go a long way for some people. Today was my fraternity brother Sterlin Walker's birthday. So I made it a point to call him today and wish him well on his birthday. Sometimes just taking a little time out of your day to say happy birthday can go a long way. Soooo, happy birthday to all the other people born on December 4th!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Would you like fries with that?.....kind act 16

Today's act is really quite awesome if I do say so myself... So, while at work today I stumbled across this website ( I was quite excited about this discovery. On this particular website they have thousands of small spin-off pages started by its members. They basically recount a random act of kindness they once did. So, I was reading through this one woman's act of kindness. She is from Ohio too, which made it even better! Anyway, her kind act is when she orders fast food from the drive-through. She will ask the clerk how much the person's meal is behind her. If its less than $10 bucks, she will pick it up. Of course money permitting.....

So today, I went to Wendy's for lunch and I wanted to give this act a try. I ordered my food and then when I pulled around to the window, I asked about the guys food behind me. It fell within the budget, so I picked up his lunch for him. I told the clerk to tell the guy "You just received a random act of kindness, pass it on..." Today's act really made me quite happy, knowing that I had most likely just made that guy's day. Hopefully he will pass it on......

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Feeding the animals.....kind act 15

After working at the Salvation Army yesterday, there was some left over white bread. So instead of just throwing it away, we took it home.... Therefore, this morning I went and spread the bread around the tree lawn for the birds and squirrels... gotta help them fatten up for the winter...

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Serving a hot meal......kind act 14

Today I worked at the Salvation Army in Elyria. My aunt runs a program through her church that serves a hot meal to the less fortunate once a month. My parents were there too. So it was a family affair today.... it was great having everyone together!!